I am convinced that I actually felt the conception - not in my tommy, but in the form of a "sizzle in the tit" specifically in my left tit! Needless to say my tits have been Extremely painful from the very beginning. Yesterday I had to lie down at the chiropractor, and had to restrain myself from squealing when he pressed down on my shoulder blades - because my tits were being SO squished!
At five days after home insemination, I felt what I think was implantation / boring into my uterus. The following day I had a speck of brown blood. And the subsequent day I felt more boring / digging into my uterus at the exact same place, So I figured my embryo was getting a good hold onto life, but now I am wondering - could there be two! After all I did have two big O's !
My first HCG at 11 or 12 days post ovulation was 38.4, my second at 20 / 21 was over 3000. The nurse said "congratulations - I guess the holiday did you some good." That evening I was having so many cramps I began to worry whether something might be wrong, only to wake up the next morning and find that I felt perfectly normal - and definitely felt NOT pregnant, and the urge to urinate and the "plugged up feeling" had gone.
I was so relieved to hear that they would do a third beta (which actually was quite unnecessary) but it calmed me down NO END to get another set of good results. I guess each day brings something different. Day 24 / 25 beta over was over 15 000. So now I realize that with pregnancy there is ALWAYS something to worry about. Too much pain - no pain - exhaustion. And now, I checked my beta values and found that although they fall within the upper ranges of singleton - they are higher than average for twins - and bang on average for triplets!!!
Oh Dear God - "Give me one baby or two, but NOT Triplets!" I warn everyone now, I will do some very awful things if there are Three in my tommy. I have only two hands, two bank accounts, and two tits!!
I want to thank everyone for their comments on my last post. Now, when I bump into my Dog's best friend's mother, I will have the self confidence to smile, wave hello - and walk boldly on!
In conclusion to the last post, she actually called and left a phone message, which it took me 3 days to summon the courage to listen to. She said "HI Sarah, I just want to to know, I really do hope you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, and I Hope it's Everything you Think you Wanted, but I really can't handle your passive aggressive personality, so Good LUCK to you.... Click"
Thanks so much to everyone for their support, I understand now that she must be extremely unhappy - and probably she wants a baby of her own, but doesn't realize it. Fortunately, she has ended our friendship, so we can both make space for something more rewarding!